Friday, July 3, 2015

Visit from Brynne's family and a new road at the boat launch!

Brynne, Ivy, Spencer, and Livy, our neighbors from home, were up visiting their family and wanted to float the river.

Ivy is the one in the pink chair.  She was pulled along by one of the kayaks.  There was some question as to whether they would make it under the bridge okay, but as you can see they did.

On our way out of the boat launch we were thrilled to see that the road has been repaired!

I wish I had taken a picture of it last year.  It had worn down badly and had huge potholes that were two feet deep.  A car could lose a bumper on that short piece of road.  The truck and trailer had an awful time negotiating the holes.

There are even drainage pipes under the road.

Chad Bauer, owner of Mack's Inn got some volunteer help to rebuild the road and they just finished yesterday.

 What a great thing for everyone! Thank you, Chad!

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