Our wedding day, August 20th, 1980 |
Today is the 32nd anniversary of my wedding to my wonderful husband. He is my best friend, the love of my life and a wonderful provider. He has given me 5 beautiful, amazing children, of whom we are very proud. Without this family of mine, my life would be shallow and sad. We have 3 (almost 4) of the cutest grandchildren you have ever seen and 3 wonderful children in laws.
All of us as of May 2011 |
Let me tell you about our story. In 1977, Brian and I met in (where else?) Island Park. He had arrived looking for a logging job back in April of that year. I came in June after graduating from Ricks College with an associate degree in general studies.
He was managing the grocery store at Mack's
and I was working at the Flat Rock Club as the hired hand.
When I arrived at church the first Sunday and saw all the girls and the paucity of boys, I just knew this was going to be a great summer with the girls. The first Sunday he was there he saw all the girls and the paucity of boys, and he just knew this was going to be a great summer with the girls. So right off the bat, we were on the same page.
Brian making root beer at the Pioneer Day picnic in Island Park |
By the 24th of July summer was in full swing. The Young Adults were asked to man the homemade root beer stand at the Pioneer Day picnic for the Island Park branch. Brian was in charge because he was the Young Adult President for the branch. I signed up to help for a few hours. Brian was advertising the need for a rider to help pay for gas to go south because he needed to go home for a funeral. I wanted to see my Aunt Lorraine, so I said I'd go.
Brian and I at Mesa Falls |
A few days later we left for the weekend. We hardly said two words on the way down, but on the way back we began talking and didn't stop until he let me off at the end of our journey at the Flat Rock Club. We continued to see each other the rest of the summer and left together in early October, which was the close of the resort season.
At the Flat Rock Club on the last day of our lovely summer in Island Park |
We left early in the morning and traveled in his truck through YNP and down through Teton Park, past Bear Lake, through Cache Valley, and down to Orem that first day, arriving before dark. Brian's mother was very happy to see him. She wasn't so sure about me, though. Later I seemed to win her over, much later...
Brian and his truck |
Brian pointing to Kentucky on a map at his mother's home |
After a week in Orem we left in his truck and made it to Tucson in one day, again leaving by dawn and arriving before dark. These were very long days of driving. My parents were happy to meet him.
His mother called after a few days and read his mission call to him over the phone, which had come since we left Orem. He was going to Kentucky to serve the Lord for two years as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He would leave in December.
Brian and I on the day of his farewell in Orem |
Brian in Kentucky |
To make this short we wrote for the two years, and married 8 months after he returned. We often spoke of Island Park but never dreamed we would ever own a summer home there, or even visit much. Things had changed. Mack's had burned to the ground. Tom, my boss, had died. All our summer friends were long gone onto other adventures.
Brian and Scot |
Over the years, we have bumped into only a few others from that summer. Luckily for us, we have made strong friendships with Scot and Kris, who also have a cabin there. I have stayed in loose touch with Janet and Vicki, the roommates from Ricks that told me about the job and with whom I worked at Flat Rock. Not too many summers have compared to the 'funnest summer ever' for me - the summer I met my wonderful sweetheart. Well, maybe the summer we got married.
We married 32 years ago today in the Provo Temple. I love you, Brian. Happy Anniversary.